Wk 6, ACC 543: DR 2

APA format

175 -265 words

Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference

Respond to the following:


Dr. Bill Berry


Hi Carlos & All

Over the past few months, I have had to process the word Bipartisan. Most agencies before the prior administration were considered Bipartisan. In fact, there were rules to prevent agencies from being either democrat or republican. But, I would be remiss to say that agencies were always funded the same. For example, the EPA was often funded to higher levels under democrat congresses.

Should politics ever be part of a government agency? Should we work to normality? What does this mean for the average consumer if the FTC is unfunded?

Dr. Bill

U.S. government – budget, by agency 2022 | Statista. (2012). Statista; Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/200386/budget-of-the-us-government-for-fiscal-year-2012-by-agencies/

9/3/22 10:17 AM