What kinds of activities (any level or subject) do you feel would be effective increasing academic achievement in your lessons? What types of assessment would best measure mastery with a diverse stude

What kinds of activities (any level or subject) do you feel would be effective increasing academic achievement in your lessons? What types of assessment would best measure mastery with a diverse student population? What types of activities do you think would be most effective in influencing student motivation? Which rules and procedures do you think would be most effective in your classroom environment? Use information from a journal article to support your post.

What changes could be made to even better address the academic, social, and emotional needs of your diverse student population?

Course Wrap-Up

As you complete your work in this course, reflect on the outcomes listed in your course Syllabus as well as the program competencies and goals for this course.

  • Do you feel you have met the outcomes in your work on this course?
  • What helped you meet the outcomes?
  • Is there any outcome with which you feel you still need support or assistance?
  • How will the concepts you learned about in this course help you to become a more effective curriculum developer?