USE THESE ARTICLES: Identifying risk factors for disordered eating among female youth in primary care by Jody Russon, Jannell Mensinger, Joanna herres, Annie Shearer, etc. How deep is your thought? t


Identifying risk factors for disordered eating among female youth in primary care by Jody Russon, Jannell Mensinger, Joanna herres, Annie Shearer, etc. 

How deep is your thought? the relations between intolerance of uncertainty, worry and weight and shape concerns in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa by Jojanneke M. Bijsterbosch, Anouk Keizer, Paul A. Boelen, etc.

Social emotional functioning in young people with symptoms of eating disorders: A gender inclusive analogue study by ashley boscoe, rebecca stanbury, and amy harrison

Age at menarche, eating disorders, and their relationships with some parameters in female adolescents in iran by Lida Daeie-Farshbaf, Mehrangiz Ebrahimi- Mameghani, etc. 

Each student will submit a term paper (5-6) pages in length (This page length does not include cover page and reference section).

Your research paper should include the following sections:  Cover Page, Main Body and References list. Your paper should be typed and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides and 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

Select at least 3 research articles (i.e peer reviewed) analyzing some aspect of adolescent development (e.g., Eating disorders, Substance abuse, Relationships, Media) with special consideration of how they influence physical, emotional, cognitive and/or social development.  Here is helpful information on how to evaluate a source: Evaluating Sources

The paper is expected to be well-written and must include citation of sources in APA format. A research paper is not an opinionated document that states, “I think….”.  Here is a helpful powepoint on APA format: APA style Owl.pptx

The paper will be graded based upon the following criteria: Proper APA format, Grammar/spelling, Organization & Comprehension of research.

It is expected that your paper will include a reference section and proper citations. The articles that you select must be from the last 5 years. The research paper requires adequate detailing, citation and form. **See Rubric Here**

References Section: Include in the reference list all the sources you have cited the paper except personal communications, and include no works that are not cited. List works in alphabetical order by first author surname:

Author, A. (year of publication). Title of article: only capitalize the first word.

     Name of Journal, Volume (issue), page-numbers

The file name/subject line should be your Last name, First initial Psy220 term paper. Ex: Smith, A Psy220Termpaper