Unit 3 DB: Voter Registration Responses

1. The way that I can register to vote in the state of Kentucky is that one you can do it online and it is
actually very simple to register on line another way is I can go to the court house and ask for a ballot to
vote and fill it out and turn it back in and let them do rest of it, another way is that you can get online and
request a mail in ballot when you get it you have to fill it out and mail back to the return address, Also I
can go to the local Health Department and go to the front window and ask for the paper to fill out to
register to vote and they will give you a little piece of paper you fill it out and turn it back in to them, I
almost forgot that if you can sign up for SNAP or Medicaid, Medic care when doing so you also get a
register to vote form that you just fill out and turn back into them and they do the rest for you. The forms
that they give you are very simple and easy to fill out and it does not take no more than five minutes to
complete it, Online it may take a few minutes longer but it is also simple and easy to fill out also.
They are a few rules that apply to the state before you can register and having a physical address is one
of them you will need to put the actual physical address on the ballot while filling it out, if you are a
convicted felon and have current charges you are not aloud to vote, if you are a convicted felon and
everything is off of your back as in (you do not have any current charges pending and everything has
done been taking care of you are no longer on probation, parole, drug court and etc) and they have
gotten it expunged off where you are able to vote. Like for example: I am a convicted felon I have done
went and done my time went up for parole and I got sap I have to go and do six months at Cumberland
Hope Community Rehabilitation Center for Women I completed the sap and actually stayed longer than
what was required and when I did leave and came back home I had served my whole sentence and I
was considered a serve out I was done they was nothing at all over my head any more I had no current
charges I was free again like and when I talk jed to my old parole officer she told me that I was aloud to
vote that she would help have everything fixed so that I could register again.
2. Registration to vote inside the U.S is a simple process. There are three convenient options for
completing the procedure: online, mail or in reality. However, there are obstacles that may prevent some
individuals from signing up. For instance , establishing a physical address on an identity card may be
problematic in tribal areas where post office boxes are more common than actual addresses. Additional
some jurisdictions demand voters to provide a government-issued picture ID or passports at the polls.
Those without prosper official identity may run into difficulties.
There are some demographic groups that are statistically less likely to be registered to vote. There is a
glaring lack of representation on voter rolls among minorities, the youth and the economically
disadvantaged. Some people may not register to vote for various reasons, including a lack of trust in the
government or a difficulty to get registration papers.
Some changes might be made enhance the current system of registering new voters. Making voter
registrations publicly available and in many languages for instance, helps widen participation.
Registration forms should be available in several public places including public libraries, government
buildings and community centers
Disadvantaged groups nay suffer disproportionately from difficulties in registering to vote. There are a
number of factors that make it harder for people of color and the poor to engage in the political process,
including a lower likelihood of being registered to vote. Furthermore, persons of color are less unlikely to
have a government ID, therefore rigorous voter ID legislation may have a disproportionate effect on them.
Disadvantaged groups may find it challenging to get their opinions considered in policy making faced with
such obstacles.