Reading Assignment #4 (Criminal Behevior Systems)

Chapter 4 (Sexual Assault)

Points Possible: 20

Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages

Due: Saturday, September 17 by 11:55 pm

Answer any two questions (10 points each):

1.  Discuss the historic significance of the court case Rightout vs. Oregon (1983) for legal definitions of sexual assault.

2.  Analyze this statement from the text: “Compared with other crimes, there is an extremely wide gap between the actual number of sexual assaults and those offenses known to the police.” Why is hidden (i.e.,the “dark figure” of sexual assault) so prevalent?

3.  Some years ago, Missouri politician Todd Akin created a political media firestorm with his comments about the difference between “legitimate” and     “illegitimate” rape. Do you think there is any legal, scientific, or  cultural basis for his claim? (Search the internet for a summary of controversy if you are unfamiliar with it).