Prepare A FUNDING SOURCE PPT a ten-to-fifteen-minute narrated presentation using PowerPoint to present your business ideas. Your plan should identify the intended audience and discuss the main points


a ten-to-fifteen-minute narrated presentation using PowerPoint to present your business ideas. Your plan should identify the intended audience and discuss the main points of your idea in a persuasive presentation. If you are having difficulty recording audio, you may include your notes on the PowerPoint Slides.

  1. It should take your audience to the next step of understanding beyond your executive summary, but it does not need to cover your plan in the depth of your written business plan. Your slides should introduce your topics and subtopics, but they should not be so wordy that the slides become the presentation.
  2. Examples might be pictures of your product, graphs illustrating your timelines, and charts of your financial figures.
  3. Describe the funding source that will see your business plan presentation./
  4.  Create slides of your presentation using PowerPoint or other presentation software and Include graphics, tables, and other illustrations which will visually communicate your message.
  5.  Describe your presentation in text in the notes section of your presentation, in an accompanying text document, o
  6.  Demonstrate good organization, including a strong introduction and conclusion