Module 10 Course Project – PowerPoint Presentation Due



Care of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Minnesota

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Care of Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Minnesota
Hypertension is a chronic illness that affects millions of people across the globe. The twenty-first century has particularly been plagued with lifestyle diseases, and hypertension has been among those whose prevalence has increased. Multiple factors have contributed to this phenomenon. Among them are improved living standards so people can access better healthcare. Thus, the disease is effectively diagnosed and managed with minimal complications. The result has been increased life expectancy. The elderly population with hypertension thus present a special challenge in meeting their needs. The United States has taken various measures to deliver patient-centred care to its citizens. Minnesota is one such state that has dedicated itself to channeling state and national resources toward enabling a safe and effective formula to transition care to older patients.
Caring for Elderly Hypertensive Patients in Minnesota
Hypertension is a chronic illness that affects millions of people across the globe.
The twenty-first century has particularly been plagued with diseases
Multiple factors have contributed to this phenomenon
Improvement in standards of living is a cause of increasing chronic conditions (Brewer et al., 2020).
The elderly population with hypertension present a special challenge in meeting their needs.
The United States has taken various measures to deliver patient-centred care to its citizens.
Minnesota is one such state that has dedicated itself to channelling state and national resources toward enabling a safe and effective formula to transition care to older patients (Brewer et al., 2020).
Equipping telenursing communication in Minnesota is an important adjunct in transitioning care.
Telenursing is among the modern means of patient follow-up.
Telenursing has increased patient independence outside the hospital environment (Madadkar et al., 2021).
The use of telenursing reduces the number of hospital visits post-admission and smooth transitions for elderly patients in Minnesota (Brewer et al., 2020).
Digital knowledge is now a basic requirement for healthcare practitioners in Minnesota.
The use of modern technologies such as video conferencing apps necessitates that care providers be conversant with them for smooth service delivery (Brewer et al., 2020).
Health information systems (HISs) are an important centre in care transitions.
HISs such as electronic health records are among Minnesota’s new service delivery trends.
Well-designed electronic health records are hack-proof to guarantee patient information privacy while allowing easy follow-up on hypertensive patients between different care providers (Brewer et al., 2020).
The EHR is central to keeping long-term data for chronic illnesses such as hypertension, allowing early detection of complications (Brewer et al., 2020).
Effective working of HIS requires that most elderly patients with hypertension have access to digital communication.
Conscious efforts have been undertaken in Minnesota to link the care centre with family caregivers who are likely to be conversant with the use of modern technology (Brewer et al., 2020).
The need to have family caregivers is important, especially for very elderly patients.
At a very advanced age, senile problems such as dementia render one dependent on care providers (Madadkar et al., 2021).
Care providers with good access to digital healthcare ensure the elderly population is well cared for (Madadkar et al., 2021).
Care for the elderly with chronic comorbidities such as hypertension requires an effective transition from the hospital to a remote setting. Minnesota is well aware of the importance of using technology and family caregivers in making the transition possible. Thus significant resources have been channelled to platforms such as telehealth and health information systems up to date with the latest technology. There is also a conscious effort to ensure there are family caregivers for the elderly with hypertension to meet their requirements. Ultimately, the quality of life will be prolonged even more through the facilitation of effective care transition.

Brewer, L. C., Fortuna, K. L., Jones, C., Walker, R., Hayes, S. N., Patten, C. A., & Cooper, L. A. (2020). Back to the future: achieving health equity through health informatics and digital health. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(1), e14512.
Madadkar Dehkordi, S., Okhovat, F., & Karimiankakolaki, Z. (2021). Designing a Clinical Trial Protocol about the Impact of Family-Based Multimedia Education Based on Telephone Tracking (Tele Nursing) to Improve the Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy in Patients with Myocardial Infarction. International journal of surgery protocols, 25(1), 92–97.