For the JE today, I’d like you offer your reflections on the readings and also what your own experience has been as someone who reads/writes from a particular cultural situation, however you wish to d

For the JE today, I’d like you offer your reflections on the readings and also what your own experience has been as someone who reads/writes from a particular cultural situation, however you wish to describe that (note: it doesn’t have to include race or gender or…whatever, but it can of course, and it can also include or focus on ethnicity or aspirational group (=who you imagine you will be, or what group of people you see as yourself belonging with).

doesn’t have to be long. like a page and half.

Read Jaswinder Bolina’s “Writing Like a White Guy” and Natasha Marin’s Introduction to Black Imagination and several excerpts from her book (McSweeny’s Press, 2020) (below).  

Read Giles Lytton Strachey’s “Ought the Father toGrow a Beard?”