Cloud Computing

Exam 1


  1. Using your own words, Describe the cloud services and the different Models.





  1. One of the Cloud Characteristic highlight the Resource pooling with Location transparency, what is that mean in the context of a Software as a Service?






  1. As Discuss in Class list a SaaS and a PaaS provider and solutions for the following industries:
    1. Billing
    2. Application Development
    3. Income tax filing
    4. Business Services
    5. Banking





  1. Discuss the Main challenges of adapting cloud services and how did companies overcome those challenges?




  1. Discuss a cloud mashup solution and explain how it is used with a concrete example.




  1. List and explain the allocations Factors of the cloud virtual CPU and Memory?




  1. A Company XYZ works in a retailing industry, needs to keep track of their customers information, orders, billings. They want also to perform periodic inventory and check for their resources as well as launching marketing campaigns based on targeted products. Which Cloud service would you suggest for this company and why? Explain in details and draw a graph representing the services that may be used as a solution model for this company.



  1. Read the Attached portion of the Research Article below, then write your own Analysis/Reflection about it, which problem does the paper discusses, Do you agree/disagree and why?