Biology Illustrator Assignment

1. On an 8.5” x 11” page, create (worth 3 points):
○ a five-pointed star,
○ a circle
○ an octagon.
Give one of these three elements a red stroke, another one
a blue fill, and another one a gradient from red to blue.
2. On a second separate 8.5” x 11” page, create (worth 3 points):
○ 3 balloons floating together in a bunch. Use your gradient
and perhaps some transparency to make them look more
like balloons than circles with lines attached. You can
create the strings using either the paintbrush or the blob
3. On a third separate 8.5” x 11” page, create (worth 3 pts):
○ the title for your Magazine – following a similar
development process as the brochure, this is where you
will start developing/working on different components of
your magazine spread for your portfolio due at the end of
the semester.
○ By creating your title in Illustrator you can easily
manipulate it to create a unique look for your magazine
(export as a .ai file … keeping it in vector form).
○ View this tutorial on how to do competitive analysis for a
logo 7:05-15:05
○ Links to an external site.
Save these three files as native Illustrator files (.ai), and attach them to the
assignment area. ALSO, submit the three PDF files. Total of 6 files to upload