
Reply 1,
When Sara filed the report, she showed the four components of adaptive leadership. An adaptive leader takes on the approach of resolving issues and assisting those in charge to focus on the most critical parts of a situation (Yoder-wise, 2014). When Sara filed the report, she expressed emotional intelligence because even though she knew it was the right thing to do, she did not want to obligate Ellen to complete the report. Sara also showed organizational justice when she finally did file the report because she acknowledged the importance of maintaining a safe and appropriate work environment. Sara showed development characteristics when she discussed with Ellen the importance of filing the report against  Dr. Tkachyck.  When Sara honored Ellen’s wishes and did not complete the report against Dr. Tkachyck, she did not use her adaptive leadership skills. She did not express her organizational justice, character, or development component. This resulted in Sara having to sit down with Kathleen and have her explain that what Sara did was not ethical and not allowed.
Yoder-Wise, P. (2014). Leading and Managing in Nursing – 5th edition. Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

Reply 2
Adaptive leadership is an approach that consists of assisting individuals or an organization in adapting to new or challenging environments. Such shifts in mindsets and relationships require adaptive leadership skills, that is a leadership mindset that assists people in tackling tough challenges and thriving in complex and challenging environments (Kuluski & Reid,2021) & (Heifetz et al, 2020). In the first scenario, Sara told Ellen that it was her legal obligation to report the harassment against the doctor. An example of adaptive leadership was when Sara reassured her that she was there to support her and was there for her through out the process. While having lunch with the crew, Sara and her peers assured Ellen that although the doctor is still doing rounds, that it takes time and that the right thing was done. I think that Sara did a decent job with how she approached and handled the situation with her adaptive leadership skills. The 4 components of adaptive leadership skills were used. She used emotional intelligence by communicating effectively, helping overcome a challenge, and defusing the conflict with both the doctor situation, as well as Ellens emotions. Sarah showed organizational justice when she stated to Ellen that putting her complaint will not only help her but prevent the doctor from also harassing other patients. Sarah had the character component by being transparent, open, honest and supportive with Ellen regarding the situation. Lastly, Sara showed development by allowing herself to experience this and show growth throughout this process, with possibly gaining both trust and support from her workers.
Kuluski K, Reid RJ, Baker GR. Applying the principles of adaptive leadership to person-centred care for people with complex care needs: Considerations for care providers, patients, caregivers and organizations. Health Expect. 2021 Apr;24(2):175-181. doi: 10.1111/hex.13174. Epub 2020 Dec 19. PMID: 33340393; PMCID: PMC8077079.
Heifetz R, Grashow A, Linsky M. The Practice of Adaptive Leadership: Tools and Tactics for Changing Your Organization and the World. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press; 2009. [Google Scholar (Links to an external site.)]