Anatomy and physiology discussion post. Kelly McGonigal discusses “How to Make Stress Your Friend. #1 What is Kelly’s profession and would some of her duties be? #2 Research stress using scholarly art

Anatomy and physiology discussion post.

Kelly McGonigal discusses “How to Make Stress Your Friend.

#1 What is Kelly’s profession and would some of her duties be?

#2 Research stress using scholarly articles and describe the known effect it can have on your heart, blood vessels, weight, and sugar levels.  Use scientific information and remember to paraphrase all work and cite your sources.

#3 Discuss the social stress test Kelly discussed in Harvard Study.

#4 Explain Kelly’s goal change for stress and why.

#5 Explain the effect of oxytocin that Kelly describes here and expand on these ideas.

#6 What what the evaluated outcome on stress on life-expectancy?

Post must be greater than 250 words before citations, citations must be US references and from factual sites. factual information needed please!