It is very important to differentiate between the different types of shock since treatment may depend on this. Complete the Comparison Table on the different types of shock.

Grading Criterion:

  1. You must identify the pathophysiology of the cause of the shock.
  2. The student will identify at least 3 causes specific to each type of shock
  3. The student will identify at least 3 clinical manifestations (s/s) associated with the specific type of shock
  4. The student will develop at least 3 nursing diagnoses written in 2-part format based on the type of shock and associated s/s. Potential for…or …Risk for… are not allowed
  5. The student will develop at least 3 nursing interventions the will to do assist the patient in the specific type of shock
  6. The student will provide at least 3 teaching points for each type of shock.