Professional Ethics Reflection Paper: Due 10/1 by end of day

Professional Ethics Reflection Paper: Due 10/1 by end of day

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After reading the provided professional ethics and guidelines for AAFCS, NCFR, and CFLE, as well as the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professional, reflect on which guidelines seem to be in closest relation to your practicum site’s roles and responsibilities and how you see that connection.  How have you seen these ethical guidelines adhered to at your practicum site?  If there have been instances where guidelines weren’t followed, discuss those here and what you learned from that.  Did you receive explicit guidance/ instructions for your behavior, roles, and responsibilities as a practicum student while on site that reflect specific guidelines?  If so, which ones?  If you did not receive explicit instructions, did you receive implicit information regarding your ethical behavior, roles, and responsibilities as a practicum student.

What has this practicum experience taught you thus far about acting ethically when working with individuals, families, and communities? 

In your anticipated (hoped for!) future work as a child and family sciences professional, which guidelines really speak to you the most and inform how you plan to conduct yourself as an emerging professional?

You may use the following Level 1 Headings to format your paper and capture all the areas above:

Practicum Site-Related Ethical Guidelines

Ethical Practice at My Practicum Site

Ethical Guidance at My Practicum Site

What I Have Learned about Ethics and Practice

My Ethics-Informed Future Practice