Unit 2.3 DB: Terminally Ill Clients

 In response to your peers, provide feedback on a post that represents the opposite point of view. 

1)Euthanasia painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease or coma (Merriam-Webster. n.d.). Dr Jack Kevorkian was best known for advocating for assisted suicides, and suffer legal

This process is call killing by assisted suicide or euthanasia, based on the principle of autonomy.

In the case of addressing both ethical and legal issues regarding rational suicide, It is the counselors responsibility to consider the ethical and legal ramification of the issue. Legally, euthanasia or assisted suicide is illegal in most countries around the world, and the punishment varies depending on the laws of the land. In the case of a counselor who is in favor of euthanasia, this person should carefully study the laws for euthanasia accordingly to avoid legal action/punishment.

Counselors who are proponents of euthanasia, argue the benefit of assisted suicides are realizing the severity of the illness, and condition of the autonomy, reducing the pain and suffering for clients, and reassurance of patients to allow dying in peace. The choice for assisted suicide is for patients who are competent. After patients are deem competent, than he/she should have the right to choose when, and how they will die.

In the end euthanasia can be either ethical or unethical. The decision to assist by suicide or not, should be based on the seriousness of the case. Terminally ill patients are top priority. But what happens when you have family who is opposed to euthanasia? Ultimately the counselor duty is to support and ensure the safety of the patient is met, while decision to euthanasia should be left to the patient and their family.


I think ethical wise that I would be one of those counslors who would be okay with my client wanting to have an assissted suicide if they know and have had more than one doctor opinion’s about there illness and they didnn’t want to suffer no more than I would not ethically be able to say something different, I guess it is personal to me to because I had to watch a loved one go through pain for years because that is what my mom wanted and he just was ready to let go but at the same time he couldn’t for the fact he had two small kids that were also dependent on him but in the end he lost his fight to cancer and a weak heart. 

A person who has quality of life should not be able to ask for this but for those who are terminal and want the suicide then doctors and family should follow there wish. 

How would you feel if you knew that you were never going to get better and just get worse would you want to live in pain and have to basically be in a bed all day and go slowly or would you want to go the way you want to go?