constitutional law


Prior to presenting your discussion postings watch the The State of the Death Penalty in the United States video, read the Cruel and Unusual PunishmentLinks to an external site. article, the Death PenaltyLinks to an external site. article, The Death Knell for the Death Penalty: Judge Carney’s Order to Kill Capital Punishment Rings Loud Enough to Reach the Supreme CourtLinks to an external site. article and review the Supreme Court Opinion synopses.

Discuss the current status of the death penalty in the United States. 

If your last name begins with N through Z, make sure that your primary response covers the following points:

  • State whether you support or are against the death penalty and why.
  • Does the death penalty violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment?
  • Is it legal to execute someone who has intellectual disabilities?
  • Is it legal to execute someone who is mentally ill?
  • Be sure to support your answer with scholarly sources and appellate court opinions.