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Reflecting on a caring and compassionate experience with a patient or family is a profound reminder of the essence of nursing. One particular encounter stands out in my practice, where I cared for an elderly patient who was terminally ill. Their family, overwhelmed by grief and fear, required emotional support and practical guidance. Recognizing their vulnerability, I approached them with empathy, active listening, and genuine compassion.

Compassion was demonstrated by creating a safe space for open communication, allowing the family to express their concerns and fears. I actively listened without judgment, providing emotional support and reassurance. Additionally, I offered information about available resources, ensuring they felt empowered and informed to make the best decisions for their loved ones. Small acts of kindness, such as offering a comforting touch or a warm blanket, further convey compassion and care.

Expanding my thinking about compassion to include myself and my colleagues is vital. Self-compassion reminds me to prioritize self-care and prevent burnout, acknowledging my emotions and limitations. It allows me to extend the same kindness and understanding I provide to patients and families to myself, fostering resilience and overall well-being (Groenwald, 2018). Compassion towards colleagues involves fostering a supportive work environment, actively listening to their concerns, and offering assistance when needed (Huber, 2014). By embracing compassion collectively, we create a culture that promotes patient-centered care and sustains healthcare professionals’ well-being.

Reflecting on the i CARE Self-Assessment, an insight related to this discussion emerges. The i CARE model emphasizes the importance of compassion and empathy in nursing practice. It reminds us to continuously evaluate our ability to demonstrate these qualities and identify areas for growth (Groen wald, 2018). By engaging in self-assessment, we can explore our own experiences and recognize our compassionate actions’ impact on patients, families, and ourselves. The i CARE Self-Assessment encourages ongoing self-reflection and improvement, promoting a culture of compassionate care within nursing.

In conclusion, care and compassion are fundamental aspects of nursing. Reflecting on a caring and compassionate experience highlights the significance of these qualities in patient care. Expanding compassion to include oneself and colleagues fosters resilience and promote a supportive work environment. The i CARE Self-Assessment offers valuable insights into our compassionate practice, encouraging ongoing self-reflection and growth. As nurses, embracing care and compassion allows us to uphold the core principles of our profession and contribute to the continual progress of healthcare.




Groenwald, S. L. (Ed.). (2018). Designing a culture of care for students and faculty: The Chamberlain University College of Nursing Model. Sponsored by the National League for Nursing. Wolters Kluwer.

Huber, D. L. (2014). Leadership & nursing care management (5th ed.). Elsevier.