Reply 6-2 JD

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 When it comes to schizophrenia there are many ways to help treat someone with this disorder. Most commonly we hear that said individuals are on certain medications to help limit the symptoms, even though this is the most likely path for them, there are other ways of treatment. One form of treatment is through milieu therapy which allows for individuals with schizophrenia to be institutionalized where there is a promotion of respect, responsibilities or behaviors, and meaningful activity, which help with recovery. The token economy program is where the individuals receive tokens for appropriate behaviors that can be exchanged for certain privileges. Even though the token economy program has upside, there is a downside as well, due to how misleading the individuals improvements are. Psychotherapy is another tool that can be used to help treat those with schizophrenia by building trust and a close relationship with those experiencing schizophrenia. Cognitive behavioral therapy is another way to help, especially through helping with cognitive impairments, such as the difficulty of attention, planning and their memory, while also focusing on changing how they view and interact with their hallucinations. Family therapy is good way to treat schizophrenia because it allows the family to receive guidance, training, support and advice to better help their loved ones dealing with schizophrenia. Lastly, the community approach allows those with schizophrenia to receive treatment through outpatient and inpatient therapy, emergency care, preventative care and aftercare, which helps the individual improve better through these programs then being institutionalized.