Ldg In Future, Complex, & Conflict

6.1 Assignment.TheoMedia Part 6


Getting Started

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Select the TheoMediatheses that have the greatest opportunity for impact in your current context.


  1. Review the information in the Getting Started section.
  2. Read TheoMediachapters 12-14.
  3. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper responding to the prompts below.
    1. Byers stated in the Conclusion that “Our media use should reflect God’s media use in the biblical story for reaching outward to others in building and restoring relationships.” As you lead in your various contexts, how can you shape the use of technology so that it is used for the good of others?
    2. Byers ends with eight theses. Which ones stood out to you most, and why? How can you apply them to your life and/or work?
  4. Be sure to format your paper using APA and correct citations.