Should K-12 schools be teaching students about institutional or systemic racism?


The Tulsa Massacre  assignment was given to me from a lady teaching at the “high school” level up in North Portland which has traditionally had a big African American population.  Currently, many states are passing laws to make sure systemic or institutional racism is not discussed in K-12 education.  It, of course, brings up other concepts like white privilege and white supremacy.  As far as younger kids go, some of the material is very much simplified.  No one is expecting a 2nd grader to read The Color of Law.  They have books with lots of drawings to discuss segregation and the Jim Crow era. On the other hand, some 11 and 12 grade students could handle that book.  Right now, they are often referring to it with a very broad term called Critical Race Theory (CRT).  For those of you who watch the news, I am sure you are aware of the many school board meetings where parents are outraged.  The issues of victimhood, patriotism, meritocracy and white privilege are some of the concepts that are addressed.  You do not need to bring in any direct quotes, but you should be acknowledge your sources. It should be a minimum of three pages.

Is it divisive? Does it create more racial tension? Will it make students hate America?  

Will it create more empathy? More understanding?  Will it help to unite us as a country?  

Jordan Peterson talks about this from a conservative angle.   Type in Jordan Peterson and White Privilege

Various states have threatened schools teaching the 1619 project developed by Nikole Hannah-Jones. 

If you type into YouTube “Battle over how critical race theory is taught in schools,” there are various interviews from different news channels.