week 3 assignment


Sunnyvale’s new Administrative intern is concerned about the release of information at the facility and is concerned the organization is inappropriately releasing information.

Prepare a memo that addresses the following components:

  • For your state, describe the required mandatory reporting of communicable and notifiable diseases and include the applicable state or federal regulation.
  • For your state, describe the required reporting of certain deaths to the medical examiner or coroner. These reportable deaths usually include accidental, homicidal, suicidal, sudden, or suspicious deaths.
  • Describe the difference between release of information for treatment, payment, and hospital operations.
  • Access the summary of the healthcare data breaches at the following web page: Cases Currently Under Investigation (Links to an external site.). Use the summary to identify the following information:
    • The number of cases currently under investigation for your state (you can sort the report by clicking on the drop down for state).
    • The number of cases per covered entity type (e.g., Healthcare Provider, Health Plan, etc.). 
    • The number of cases by type of breach.
    • The number of cases by the location of breached information.
    • Using your textbook as a resource, list the policies and procedures your facility has to mitigate the risk of breaches.
    • After review of the information for your state, recommend an action plan for addressing each of the types of breach, excluding Network server or email breaches.