
Check out Gallup’s website: https://www.gallup.com/home.aspx

Select one of their articles or reports and share what you found holds most value for your career. 


Kohn’s recommendation was to focus on choice, collaboration, and content (whether in the workplace or in the classroom).   Read Kohn’s article and visit this section of his website: https://www.alfiekohn.org/business/

How does Kohn’s research compare and contrast with our HRM textbook?  Your personal experience?  How might you apply Kohn’s work to your workplace and career development?

Kohn, A. (1993, September/October). Why incentive plans cannot work. Harvard Business Review, 71(5), 54-63


Kohn’s recommendation was to focus on choice, collaboration, and content (whether in the workplace or in the classroom).   Read Kohn’s article and visit this section of his website: https://www.alfiekohn.org/business/

How does Kohn’s research compare and contrast with our HRM textbook?  Your personal experience?  How might you apply Kohn’s work to your workplace and career development?

Kohn, A. (1993, September/October). Why incentive plans cannot work. Harvard Business Review, 71(5), 54-63.