Assignment 1 N

Assignment 1

Create a resume and cover letter for the next job you plan to apply for after you have completed your degree.  Convince me you are the best candidate for the job. Remember even in the world of education, the world is changing so consider this fact as you assemble and format your submission.

Exceeded (10)Met (8)Not Met (0)
Cover letter is included with no grammatical and/or formatting errorsCover letter is included but displays one or a couple minor grammatical or formatting errors.Cover letter is missing or included but displays multiple grammatical and/or formatting errors.
Resume is included and displays no grammatical and/or formatting errors.Resume is included but displays one or a couple minor grammatical or formatting errors.Resume is missing or included but displays multiple grammatical and/or formatting errors.
Demonstrates excellent quality in written communication for expressing ideasDemonstrates acceptable quality in written communication for expressing ideasDemonstrates poor quality in written communication for expressing ideas
Presents themself as a highly qualified candidate for the position.Presents themself as a qualifiedcandidate for the position.Fails to present themself as an acceptable candidate for the position.
Displayed an excellent understanding for the current work marketplace.Displayed acceptable understanding for the current work marketplace.Displayed minimal to no understanding for the current work marketplace.


I will be applying for an Assistant Principal position

I have my bachelor degree in Elementary Education

Master’s degree in Special Education

Specialist degree in Elementary Education

This degree will be a specialist in leadership

The main thing I need is a cover letter. You can sketch out something for the resume and I can tweak it.