Week 6 response AA

 Post responses to two of your classmates. 2-3 sentences    


If an individual passes away without a valid will then the distribution of property happens according to each stats law of descent and distributions. These laws are classified as probate laws that classify in each state how an individuals debts are paid, then how their money and property is distributed. 

In the state of Vermont a will has to be filed with the probate court in the county where they file. In Vermont you are able to change your will, by filing a codicils. In Vermont to receive the will after death you have to provide the court will a certified copy of the death certificate (Wills, nd). 

Wills and estates. Vermont Judiciary. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/probate/wills-and-estates


If a person passes away without leaving a valid will, the distribution of property is regulated by probate laws. “Each individual state establishes laws governing wills and estates known as probate laws.” Probate laws differ state to state. 

Probate laws are supposed to achieve three goals: 

  1. Gather, preserve, and account for all of the decedent’s property
  2. Administer an orderly and fair settlement for all debts
  3. Discover and implement the decedent’s intent for the remaining property held at death

In Vermont, if you don’t leave a will, your property/estate is distributed to your closest biological relatives no matter what your relationship is with them. The state will not give your property/estate to a friend unless you leave a will that says to.