Activity 2

Activity 2
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate applications of Indigenous teachings in everyday activities as well as in social policy. The activity demonstrates Indigenous spiritual teachings of the life cycle and ways of caring for one another in Aboriginal traditions.
Faces of UVic Research: Jacquie Green

Green, J. (2009). Gyawaglaab [Helping One Another]: Approaches to Best Practices Through Teachings of Oolichan Fishing Links to an external site.. In R. Sinclair, M Hart, G. Bruyere [Eds.]. Wichitowin: Aboriginal Social Work in Canada. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.

Questions for Reflection
⦁ Where and how do the Seven Sacred Teachings and the Medicine Wheel teachings resonate with teachings you have received?
⦁ How do you see these teachings possibly informing how you work with Indigenous families?
⦁ How do the 7 teachings and the Cowichan Teachings nurture values of love and generosity between peoples? Between professionals and families? Between children in childcare settings?