Critical thinking Feedback


Please respond with your feedback for the improvement, maintenance, and integrity of this course.  Please respond to the following questions in a numbered list:

1.  What skills do you feel that you acquired or improved from this course?  Explain.

2.  What was the most helpful or interesting part of the course? Why?

3.  Do you feel that the course content was appropriate for an introductory-level course?  Explain.

4.  Do you see any differences in your thinking after taking this course?  Explain.

5.  What content/ideas do you wish we would have examined more? What content/ideas do you wish we would have spent less time on? Explain.

6. What would you do differently to make this course more engaging or interesting for you?

7. What advice do you have for students who take this course in the future?

8. (optional) What questions or comments do you have for Prof. Goodman?