Science Chemical Bonds

  • Connect types of molecular bonds to common applications and examples

Choose a substance, other than water, whose atoms or ions are held together by one of the following types of chemical bonds:

  • Ionic
  • Covalent
  • Metallic
  • Hydrogen

Important: If your chosen substance does not correctly match the molecular bond, will not be accepted for credit!

Construct an engaging three-paragraphs that completely and concisely* fulfills the following requirements:

  • Paragraph 1 – after doing some research, discuss a common use or important purpose of your chosen substance
  • Paragraph 2 – Integrating specific terms and concepts discussed in this week’s readings and resources, develop a summary discussion that includes the following:
    • The name and chemical formula for the substance
    • The composition of the substance (i.e., the names of the atoms comprising the substance)
    • The specific name and description of the chemical bonds that exist between the atoms or ions in the substance
    • The physical properties of the substance
    • The state(s) of matter in which this substance is naturally or normally found in
  • Your discussion in this paragraph should integrate specific terms and concepts discussed in this week’s readings and resources.
  • Paragraph 3 – provide your perspective on the importance of this substance or its properties, drawing on your own experiences as applicable