

As the autism specialist, you may be required to provide professional development to teachers and staff on topics related to teaching and supporting students with ASD. General education teachers often pose questions related to providing direct instruction and addressing behavior concerns. Possessing strong understanding of evidence-based teaching and support practices and specific knowledge about how to implement these practices with fidelity is critical when providing training designed to assist general education teachers with addressing common concerns related to instructing students with ASD. Substantial knowledge of evidence-based teaching and support practices, and how to implement these practices with fidelity is critical when providing training designed to assist general education teachers to address common questions and concerns related to teaching students with ASD.

Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation that could be shared with an audience of general education teachers instructing students with ASD in the general education setting. Your presentation should address the following:

  • Summary of curricular considerations and evidence-based practices commonly used in an inclusive classroom including communication and social supports, visual supports, task analysis, work systems, and peer-mediated intervention/instruction.
  • Information related to the importance of daily routines and structure as part of positive behavior support.
  • Discussion of sensory processing deficits and the role of the classroom environment in addressing these deficits.
  • Two strategies for providing direct instruction to a student with ASD.
  • Title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes.